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IACBE认证原则/IACBE Accreditation Principles
作者:会计与金融学院   浏览次数:200  发布时间:2024-06-26 15:26:30

· Principle 1: Commitment to Integrity, Responsibility, and Ethical Behaviour


Excellence in business education is demonstrated when the academic business unit acts ethically, responsibly, and with integrity in all interactions with its stakeholders, and has established systems for encouraging and upholding ethical and responsible behavior.


· Principle 2: Quality Assessment and Advancement


Excellence in business education is demonstrated when the academic business unit is engaged in a process of continuous improvement in its programs and operations. This process includes ongoing assessment planning, collection and analysis of assessment data, and development and execution of action plans for improvements.

当学术业务部门参与其方案和业务的持续改进过程时,就证明了商业教育的卓越表现。 这一进程包括持续的评估规划、收集和分析评估数据,以及制订和执行改进行动计划。

· Principle 3: Strategic Planning


 Excellence in business education is demonstrated by an informed, effective strategic planning process that focuses the academic business unit’s decision making toward defined goals, is linked to the unit’s outcomes assessment process, provides an overall strategic direction for guiding the unit into the future.


· Principle 4: Business Curricula and Learning Opportunities


Excellence in business education is demonstrated by business programs that prepare students to be competent business professionals. This includes processes for program development and design, curricular content and learning opportunities, as well as regular curriculum review, renewal, and improvement.


· Principle 5: Business Faculty Characteristics, Activities, and Processes


Excellence in business education is demonstrated by highly-qualified faculty who are current in their professions and engage in appropriate scholarly and professional activities. This includes processes and procedures to manage, develop, and evaluate faculty and to create a climate that promotes excellence in teaching and learning.


· Principle 6: Policies, Procedures, and Processes


Excellence in business education is demonstrated by clear, transparent, and effective policies, procedures, and processes related to admissions, academic performance, and career development that are implemented in a fair and consistent manner and are aligned with the business unit’s mission.


· Principle 7: Resources Supporting Business Programs


Excellence in business education is demonstrated by resources that are sufficient to support a high-quality learning environment,  and to support the academic business unit in accomplishing its mission and broad-based goals.


· Principle 8: External Relationships


Excellence in business education is demonstrated when the academic business unit maintains  linkages with external stakeholders that are consistent with the unit’s mission and broad-based goals and is accountable to the public regarding its expectations for program quality and student success.


· Principle 9: Innovation in Business Education


Excellence in business education requires the academic business unit to adapt to changes in the business profession and society. Therefore, the academic business unit must provide an environment that encourages and recognizes innovation and creativity in the education of business students.
