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IACBE认证申请 | Applying for IACBE Accreditation
作者:会计与金融学院   浏览次数:188  发布时间:2024-06-26 15:18:23



To become an IACBE member, an institution shall go through 3 phases: Educational Member, Candidate for Accreidtation and First-time Accreditation.

· 教育会员/Educational Member:


An educational member of the IACBE is an academic business unit that has met the IACBE's requirements for membership, and (i) whose parent institution has appropriate institutional accreditation, recognition, or governmental authorization to award degrees that are eligible for IACBE accreditation, and (ii) that has affirmed its commitment to excellence in business education.

· 候选人资格/Candidate for Accreditation:

IACBE要求成员院校明确办学宗旨,建立成果、工具、目标一一对应的成果评估体系,填写《成果评估计划书》,并接受候选人资格现场考察。申请IACBE的专业需有至少一届毕业生。 申请候选人资格时,可选择一个或多个商科专业同时申请。

A candidate for accreditation of business programs is an academic business unit that has successfully completed the candidacy review process, and (i) has developed an appropriate outcomes assessment plan, (ii) has met the IACBE's candidacy requirements relating to its business programs, resources, and operational processes, (iii) has affirmed its commitment to excellence in business education, and (iv) is eligible to undergo an accreditation review of its business programs. One or several business programs can apply for IACBE candidacy at the same time. The program applying for IACBE accreditation should have at least one (1) cohort of graduates.

· 正式会员资格/Member with Accredited Programs:


A member with accredited programs has successfully completed the IACBE accreditation review process and the academic business unit that offers the programs has affirmed its commitment to excellence in business education as related to the accredited programs. (Note: The criteria for accreditation are contained in the IACBE's Self-Study Manual.)


IACBE认证意义/Significance of IACBE Certification


IACBE certification is important for promoting the sustainable development of business education. By certification, universities can demonstrate to students, employers, and other business groups that they have excellent business education and academic quality and regulate business school education; universities can improve the quality of teaching, curriculum quality, academic and operational quality and enhance brand reputation, expand domestic and foreign influence; it is conducive to sharing teaching experience among global education members and certified member units, innovate business education courses, and promote international exchange and cooperation.